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European University Foundation

The European University Foundation (EUF) is a network of universities committed to bringing about a modern, strong and competitive European Higher Education Area. The network deploys intensive cooperation under five key pillars:

Digital Higher Education both for governance and provision of education Entrepreneurship and employability skills of graduates Policy innovation at national and European level Active citizenship of students Quality mobility for all

The EUF is also an influential advocate for a substantial increase in the quantity and quality of student mobility, regularly putting forward new ideas, policies, and recommendations. The network has a rich history of promoting policy reform and contributing to the further development of the Erasmus programme. or further information about the organisation, please visit the website:

EUF members

Viktoriya Terzieva

Project coordinator of the EUF

Viktoriya has an academic and professional background focused on project coordination, organisation of events and management or support of small and medium-sized projects. She completed her Masters’ degree in International Project Management at the University of Strasbourg in 2015 and is working and living in Luxembourg ever since. Viktoriya has a deep knowledge in standard and agile project management methods and principles. Her role within EUF includes project coordination of several Erasmus + KA2 projects, namely DoCENT, European STEP, Coop4EDU, FESC, Erasmus skills and supporting the completion of the financial report of Erasmus Without Paper project (E+ KA3)

Joachim Wyssling

Senior Project manager of the EUF

Joachim completed his Master degree in EU studies at the University de Franche-Comté. During his studies, he actively volunteered in student NGOs welcoming and integrating international students in local communities. After serving as Vice-President of ESN International, he joined the staff of the EUF in 2011. His current missions as Senior Project Manager involve the incubation of innovative and meaningful project proposal for member universities and the identification of development opportunities within the European Higher Education Area, notably in the field of digitisation of HE with the Online Learning Agreement, Erasmus+ mobile App and Erasmus Without Paper; more recently in the field of doctoral education with the European PhD Hub and in the field of social inclusion and recognition of informal learning experiences with SocialErasmus+.