25th of February 2021: Skills gained through Erasmus+ mobility (virtual conference)

Going on Erasmus is a great way for young people to learn more about themselves and develop their personal skills to make them more equipped to join a globalised society. However, students don’t always manage to voice which skills they have gained through their mobility.

The Erasmus Skills team is organising an online conference the 25th of February to bring together university staff and stakeholders in Higher Education that work on supporting students throughout their mobility experience. The event will focus on how to assess the skills gained through international student mobility and translate these gained competences into the curriculum and the career development of students.

Check the conference programme here

Final Conference - 25th of February 2021

The conference on 25th of February will focus on the support for student mobility before, during and after their mobility experience – and to the support university teachers and practitioners can provide Erasmus students for a more conscious soft skills acquisition.

The focus of the conference will be:

  • Identifying skills gained through student mobility.
  • Recognition and validation of skills.
  • Connecting skills with career development.

Sneak Peek of the programme

Erasmus Skills: Competencies gained through student mobility

  • Keynote speech - "The Value of Mobility: Building Intercultural Competence for Students' Success" by Darla Deardorff. Darla K. Deardorff is Executive Director of the Association of International Education Administrators (AIEA). In addition, she is an author and research scholar at Duke University's Social Science Research Institute and holds faculty positions at the several institutions around the world.
  • Student Panel: Identifying skills gained through Erasmus.

Click here to register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1986422099374294800

This conference is organised in the framework of the Erasmus Skills Project, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The Erasmus Skills project provides a set of innovative tools to help Erasmus students enhance and acknowledge the soft skills and competences gained thanks to their mobility experience.

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